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Question:  How do you punctuate sentences with quotation marks?

Answer:  Although in British English, the period usually goes outside the quotation, In American and Canadian English, it goes inside.  With question marks and exclamation marks, they go inside the quotation marks when the expression is part of the quote itself, but outside if it is not.  E.g., Did she say "I don't believe in ghosts"?  (The quotation is not a question), or I think she said "I never want to see you again!" (What is inside the quotation marks is where the emphasis lies).

Question:  Do you spell out numbers?

Answer:  Typically, you would write out numbers if they begin a sentence, or if they are numbers larger than 20 (some say 100), but you would use numerals for large numbers and for things like measurements or degrees (11 kg.).?

Question:  What's the difference in usage between 'while,' 'when,' and 'during'?

Answer:  'During' is used before a noun.  During this semester, or during the flight...   'When' and 'while' are used with verbs, most typically, 'while' is with a continuous verb (while he was sleeping) and when is more typically used with simple verb tenses (when he gets her, When she called me...)

Question:  Do you capitalize the first word after a colon?

Answer:  I normally capitalize the word if what follows the colon is a complete sentence, but keep it lower case if it's a dependent clause.

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